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Respond To A Text Within Different Apps

  • By Integr8

message_iconOne thing that always frustrated me with prior iOS releases was the requirement of leaving my current app in order to respond to a text.  In all reality, this seems like a small task; however, it has increased my productivity quite a bit.  I can be checking or writing an email, researching something in Safari or posting something on the Integr8 Facebook page when a text comes in.  Before, I’d have to close the app I was currently in and open the Messages app to respond, then switch back.  If I decided to finish my first task before responding, I found that I’d forget to even respond back to the person.  Now, I don’t have that problem.  The following screenshots are examples of what it looks like to receive and respond to a text within a separate app.

While in the Music App, I get a text message.


In order to view and respond to the message without quitting your current app, simply press, hold and drag down on the notification at the top of your screen. You will notice that the current app is still visible in the background.


You have two options of how to reply.  You can simply type a message using the keyboard and choose send at which your previous app will come back to the forefront ready for you to finish what you were doing.


You also have the option of sending a voice recording to the sender by tapping the microphone to the right of the notification.


Once you finish recording, simply hit the stop button and choose send or you can delete what you recorded by tapping the “X” to the left of the recording.


I hope you enjoyed this bit of knowledge.  There will be much more to come, so check back frequently.  As always, if you have any further questions or need my assistance, don’t hesitate to contact me to set up an appointment.



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